Monday, January 21, 2008

2008 = The Year of the Miracle

Why, you ask?

1- The Giants are going to the SUPER BOWL!!! WOOHOO!!
2- Frank ate a whole wheat english muffin over the weekend (with no influence from me)

and, most importantly...

3- Our baby is doing GREAT! Measuring right on track and the heartbeat is perfect (133). Our RE is so happy with the way things are progressing.

Now if we all could just work on voting a Democrat into the White House, we'd really be in business :)


Anonymous said...

Melissa, I am so happy that things are going great for you.

heeda said...

YAY! I'm so glad that 2008 is off to a great start for you.

Heidi (heida73)

Marie said...

lol mel that is hilarious...i agree on all accounts.

im so glad things are going well for you.

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you and Frank. That is great news. Congrats.

Anonymous said...

What great news!!! I'm so happy for you guys. 2008 is definitely going well!
Andrea (TiredAn)

Anonymous said...

LOL! Love this entry! SO SO happy things are going FANTASIC for you and Frank! :)


Anonymous said...

Ok, you had me until you started talking about Democrats in the White House. Booo. LOL, glad things are looking up for you!

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for you and Frank that's FANTASTIC.

As for the giants, GO BIG BLUE whoop whoop, what a friggin game man, leave it to the giants to keep us at the edge of our seats up to the last nanosecond of the game lol

Maria :)

Anonymous said...

2008 is already a great year for you and we're only 21 days in!! WOO HOO!!! So happy to hear that everything is going well! I am a Jets fan but SO HAPPY that the Giants are going to the Super Bowl! GO NY!! I despise anything remotely related to Boston! hee hee

Catherine (cat429)

Robin said...

Hooray for Miracles in 2008!


Lisa said...

Terrific news Melissa! Go Giants! Go Democrats! Go Baby C! (LOL)

Gillian said...

AWESOME!! I knew you were going to the RE this morning, but I just got home and am SO EXCITED to read that things are progressing beautifully! Yay you guys!!!

I second the Democrat into office, too, BTW ;-) lol

Unknown said...

Yay!! Im erally happy for you and Frank! I will continue you keep you guys in my prayers!!!

Adrienne said...

Woohoo! Melissa I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am for you right now. I know I've said it before but I have to say it again congratulations a million times over!!